In order to grow in faith and love we seek to learn more about God, the author and perfector of our faith, by reading the Bible together. We do this in all of our main meetings.

If you would like to find out more about Jesus, Christianity or the youth ministry at St Peter’s feel free to contact us anytime! We hope to see you soon.



ZION YOUTH is where youth share in community and hear the gospel of Jesus preached. We want to model the love of Jesus and grow in an understanding of God in order to make disciples. We do this in a really fun and safe environment. 
We hang out every Friday during term, 6:00pm-7:30pm meeting at St Martins - 9B Arnold St Killara. For the latest info go to our instagram page.


Our new Sunday 5pm service is a great palce for youth to join and feel welcome - chat to Michael Freeman for more information.


We run camps throughout the year so that you can be encouraged and get away with your mates. We do different things on each camp but always learn about the great news of Jesus and how He changes our lives. Time away is a great chance to catch up with old mates as well as making many new ones.