1. Close and lock windows
  2. Roll up projector screen (the long hook tool is to your right when standing underneath the projector screen while facing the entrance, use it to pull the projector screen down slightly then gently guide it as it rolls upwards)
  3. Pack candles inside the two candle boxes in the middle floor-level cabinet at back of church
  4. Bundle up fairy lights (if they're out)
  5. Check bibles are spine side down in the back of chairs
  6. Collect pens around chairs, put them in the stationary cup and move this to the shelf at the back of the church
  7. Pick up loose papers on floor or in back of chairs and throw them in the blue bin behind the church
  8. Move bins from behind church to the roadside (check which colour bins are out front of neighbours and copy them)
  9. Vacuum the area where we have supper after everyone's finished (if needed)